10 Easy Tips To Beat Anxiety! Plus Free Journaling Prompts For Anxiety Relief!


Hey! first off, I’m sorry you’ve been feeling anxious. I know first hand how not fun that is. I’m glad you’re here though, because I’ve gathered some really powerful tools to help you find more balance than ever!

There are so many ways to ease anxiety - what it really comes down to is putting your self care and rejuvenation first. I’ll share the first three tips here, but then you have to watch the video for the rest.

Number 10 is totally my go to tool when I can’t seem to reset my physiological state (aka, when I can’t get a grip and ease that feeling of inner chaos). Yes, it happens to me too. We’re all human, living with all the many blessings of human emotions and sensations. My goal is to help you ease the more chaotic sensations so you can more easily hear the truthful whispers of your higher self.

  1. Deep breathing, or any kind of purposeful breath work is going to help ease your nervous system and bring you back to balance physically, mentally, and emotionally. Boxed breathing is one of my personal favorites. That’s when you breathe in for a specific count (I start with 4 and work up to 6), then you hold for the same count, release for the same count, and hold at the bottom for the same count. Let me know if you give this a try!

  2. Movement of any kind - that you truly enjoy, is transformational from the inside out. Yoga is my personal favorite, but you can also see benefits from walking, running, lifting weights, pilates, zumba, dancing, swimming, martial arts, etc… Anything that gets your blood flowing is going to help you feel better. When you feel better physically, it’s much easier to shift the thought patterns that are contributing to the cycles of internal tension.

  3. Eating nutritious foods. Often times when we are feeling all the feels, it’s habitual to reach for favorite comfort foods. If you think about it, it’s a grounding mechanism. Your favorite foods bring you to the present moment and provide a temporary escape from what you’re feeling. I want you to know that it’s okay to enjoy your favorite treats! It’s also okay to check in with yourself on whether or not each food you eat is going to contribute to feeling light and clear or heavy and foggy. I’m super sensitive in this way, so when I want to indulge, I make my nutrient dense, unprocessed cookies that don’t make me feel negative sensations. Try asking yourself, “how will I feel after I eat this?” Over time your intuition will give you a very clear answer and eating nutrients over artificial flavor intensity will take precedence naturally.

Do you love these? They are only the first three tips to ease your anxiety! There are seven more in the video PLUS you can tap the button below to download 15 unique and powerful journaling prompts to help you brain dump and organize the inner chaos so you can create space in your heart and feel more at peace.

Like I said, number 10 is my absolute favorite way to reset my inner peace. Have you tried it before for anxiety? Tell me in the comments!

Thanks for watching and reading! Make good choices out there!

Don’t forget to share with a friend. :)

Love and light,

Natalie Pfund