The Six Human Needs During Coronavirus - Identify Why You Do What You Do (Part 1)


Hey Friends!

We all know that globally we are in the middle of something huge. There’s a great deal of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty surfacing as we all face variations of the same life changing experience.

When we are in fear, we tend to make short term choices… this is totally normal and find, however, these short term band-aide choices often become habits. Habits are really hard to change. Unless you understand what’s driving them.

Enter through stage left - The Six Human Needs!

  • Love and connection

  • Certainty

  • Uncertainty/Variety

  • Significance

  • Growth

  • Contribution

We are all meeting all of these needs with every single choice or non-choice (still a choice) we make every day. The twist is that we can meet these needs very easily at low levels. However, with a little bit of understanding and awareness, you can just as easily shift your choices to meet your needs at higher levels.

This is a simple but life changing concept. I hope you’ll join me by watching the video to learn more about all six human needs as well as go a little deeper on Love & Connection.

This is the first video in a brand new series about the human needs and their relationship to our current situation - being quarantined and socially distant due to coronavirus. I know that this experience is an opportunity for many people to go inward… to do the inner spiritual and mental work they haven’t had time to. I challenge you to use this time to heal, recharge, and grow.

When we get to the other side of this, our country and our globe is going to need your love driven creativity as we put the pieces of our economy back together. You are an important part of the health of our planet, and humanity. Let’s use this time to strengthen you from the inside out.

Also, I want to support you in any way I can during the covid19 pandemic, so I’m offering a FREE 1/2 hour healing and clarity session to anyone who needs help grounding and seeing the beauty in the bigger picture.

This session will provide clarity on your next few steps in caring for your mental, spiritual, and physical wellness, as well as help you identify your unique and important role in the community moving forward. This is for you if you’ve been feeling stress, fearful, anxious, confused, lost, or helpless… or anything in near, or on the spectrum of being off balance or out of sorts. There’s nothing wrong with these feelings, but they can be an invitation to explore love based next steps. All you ever need is one next step. Hop on a call with me, and we will get you some clarity.

Love and light,

Natalie Pfund xoxo