Judge Less, Appreciate More. Online Dating #4

I've recently told you why I started online dating, about my first online date, and how online dating has given me more self confidence. Dating is exhausting, especially if you're an introvert like myself. It's also really fun if you appreciate the human condition, as I do.

I suffer from the human condition, and I've more than once realized that I was the annoying, weirdo that some poor chap got stuck across a table from for a few hours. 

These were actually great experiences in hind site, because I was able to look back on opposite scenarios with more compassion. Just because a guy didn't have an "on night," doesn't mean he's a total loser. We likely just didn't connect well.

Or he didn't get enough sleep.

Or he had too much coffee.

Or he had too much on his plate to properly ground himself for a good conversation.

Or we simply weren't meant to fall madly in love, save the world, and make an army of Waldorf babies. 

Only a small percentage of men in this world (or island that I reside upon), qualify to seek my good favor as a personal prince charming/cabana boy.

The shocker is that I might not meet their expectations or desires. This means that dating needs to be an open minded endeavor with a goal to have fun, great conversations, and a willingness to change and grow.

I've learned to judge less:

Nobody is perfect. Life is hard, really hard. Everyone has struggle, everyone wonders if they're "doing it right."

Why do we go on dates with an expectation to be impressed? As if we have it all together and this random person should present themselves as a successful and happy go lucky virgin to the woes of the world? Dates should be about showing up as yourself. If you don't feel safe dropping your peacock feathers, or are put off when someone is too honest, consider what makes you so uncomfortable with authenticity.

The staged production of reality television and the age of social media has us all so busy marketing ourselves that we don't feel comfortable simply being, or allowing others to simply be.

When we're comfortable with ourselves, and striving to grow, we'll naturally reveal ourselves slowly and continuously, just as that old onion metaphor goes.

I've learned to appreciate people more.

When you remove expectations from the first few dates beyond conversation, and being in the moment, you remove the need to judge. You get to have a conversation with someone different than yourself, and possibly different than your entire social circle. Someone who may have an entirely different sense of reality.

This may not be what I'm looking for romantically, but in life, I love mixing things up! Talking to new people is good for you. You learn new perspectives, you learn about different reading material, you learn about different hobbies; you get new ideas. 

Judging less and appreciating more, has made me a more content and comfortable person.

Can you identify?  Tell me how you've learned to judge less and appreciate more!

Thanks for reading, make great choices. :)


9 Ways to Make Your Skin More Cozy

Do you ever feel trapped by your body? Do you feel lethargic, cloudy, bloated, or weak? Do you feel inhibited by what your body can't do?

I sometimes feel like my mind is going a thousand miles an hour and my body can't keep up. Often times my brain can't even keep track of the thought directions I want to go. I wish I knew everything. I wish I was one of those people who always nails everything on the head. Instead, I usually feel like a blubbering fool... and I sneakily use google in almost every non face to face conversation I can.

Most of my best friends are successful overachievers. I've watched time and time again as they panic before every important deadline. Have they done enough? Will their efforts be enough? Did they get it right? My friends are stupid brilliant, and yes, they always get it right. They usually win awards, and kick ass titles.

My point is that those people who I see "nailing it on the head" all the time, don't feel like they are nailing on the head.

Deep down they know they can do it, and they do it.

What about the rest of us? When we're paralyzed by fear, anxiety, low energy, or health problems, where do we start? Here are nine places to start:

  1. Learn to be comfortable with what your body and mind is capable of right now. Know that every day is different. Some days you're a powerhouse, some days you're a collapsed shanty.
  2. Exercise. Whatever kind you're drawn to. Do it because it's fun and makes you feel good, not because you want to be different.
  3. Get acupuncture. Sometimes my insides feel like loud static on T.V. If you struggle with anxiety or depression, try acupuncture. Nothing makes me feel more at home in my skin than acupuncture does.
  4. Learn to release anxiety. When your thoughts are going in negative circles, take a deep breath and say out loud, "I am releasing this problem (name it) because it does not belong to me." Then call to mind all you're thankful for.
  5. Encourage yourself. Say out loud, "I am full of life. I am healthy. I am successful. I am thankful for all that I have."
  6. Celebrate every small victory. Give yourself attaboys, and meet up with a close friend who supports your goals, and is proud of your efforts.
  7. Consider how many live nutrients are in your diet. Pay attention to how you feel after a green smoothie.
  8. Consider how much of your diet is void of life or nutrients. Pay attention to how you feel after fast food.
  9. Know that it is okay to rest. Life is hard. When you need to, rest, eat chocolate, drink a case of wine, and cry. Probably the hangover will have you wishing you felt as good as you did before the drunk emotional breakdown. You can only go up from the bottom!  Drink something green and smile, because you just pressed the up arrow.

Life is what we make of it, and every day we have to start somewhere.


Thanks for reading, make good choices. :)

Everyone Is Just Trying To Have A Good Day

I was strolling through the park a few months ago when I saw a woman booty shaking like crazy.  She was dressed eccentrically, and had her headphones connected to a walkman.  Yes, you read that right.  So much about this woman was odd.  In my head I was wondering if she's mentally ill, homeless, on drugs, etc…  I was wondering about her story, and assuming that hers was a negative circumstance.  Then it hit me.  Actually she looked really happy, and I had a furrowed brow.  

She was dancing, and I was judging.

I caught myself.  I realized that if I had the guts, I'd be dancing in the park on a beautiful day too.

I was walking through the same park yesterday with a friend.  She noticed a man flailing his arms, and made a joke about our present company.  We looked closer and realized that his movements, though awkward, were more of a methodical swinging than flail.  I remembered the woman dancing a few months ago, and I said out loud, 

"everyone is just trying to have a good day."

I don't remember where I picked this up, but I've taken to repeating it to myself when I get judgy.  Life is hard.  Bodies age.  We all wake up with some degree of stiffness, pain, sadness, and hardship.  Movement, however awkward is a perfectly productive activity to engage in.   Good on them!

Everyone is just trying to have a good day.  I try to bring this into every scenario:

The person answering your customer service call in India.

The person at the fast food drive through.  (please stop eating there).

The person taking care of your children.

Your boss.

Your employees.

Your mother.

Your son.

The person driving under the speed limit when you're running late.

The person washing your car.

The person waiting on your table.

When people treat you unfairly or without warmth, it's safe to imagine that their day isn't going very well.  They are just trying to make it to that blissful moment when their head hits the pillow and for what feels like seconds, they aren't responsible for anything.

We can't change the actions of others but we can change our responses.  When we have an opportunity to make someone's day brighter, let's take it.  Take a deep breath, tip well, be encouraging, give more compliments, tell more jokes, and make people smile.


Thanks for reading, make good choices! :)